The latest water restrictions from the City of Alamo Heights are as follows:
Stage 1 Water Restrictions are in effect beginning Thursday, September 2, 2021.
Watering (using automatic or manual irrigation systems) is permitted only once a week before 10:00 a.m. or after 8:00 p.m. The last number of your address determines what day you are able to water.

You may use drip irrigation, soaker hose or hand-held hose during any day at any time.
1. Wasting water is prohibited at all times. Do not allow water to run off into the street, drain or ditch. Repair all leaks.
2. Do not use water to wash an impervious outdoor ground covering such as a parking lot, driveway, street or sidewalk, unless for health or safety reasons.
3. Restaurants and other eating establishments are prohibited from serving water to customers except upon request of the customer.
4. At least 25% of all non-public swimming pools’ surface area must be covered with evaporation screens when not being utilized. Inflatable pool toys or floating devices may be used.
5. Washing of vehicles or other equipment at a residence is only allowed during their designated watering day. Water is not allowed to run into the street.
6. Charity car washes are prohibited except at commercial car wash that recycles at least 75% of the water it uses or that is certified as a conservation car wash.
7. Ornamental outdoor fountains are not to be utilized unless the water is recycled and the only additional water used is to compensate for loss due to evaporation.
If you have any questions or concerns please contact the Public Works Department at (210) 882-1518.
For more information view here: